Medical providers may overlook work-related conditions construction workers face if they are not familiar with patients’ work history and exposure to hazards. To help workers get treatment they need, CPWR has created a series of Physicians’ Alerts that facilitate direct conversations between patient and provider. The alerts cover topics such as contact dermatitis, silica-related illnesses, pain management (opioids), work-related asthma, and the newest addition – pregnant worker safety and health. Each helps workers share knowledge about on-the-job hazards so their providers can better factor in information critical to providing proper diagnoses, treatment, and workplace accommodations. The Alerts also contain best practices to prevent and mitigate exposure-related conditions. Learn about these FREE resources, as well as the new work-related task lists by construction occupation that can be used alongside the alerts, in this short webinar.
Moderator: Chris Cain, CIH, Executive Director
- Jessica Bunting, MPH, Director, Research to Practice
- Rosa Greenberg, MPH, Research Analyst, Research to Practice
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