

MACSC February Member Meeting

The Cynwyd Club 332 Trevor Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA, United States

Topic: Injudry Trends Within the Council Membership After reviewing the USA and PA Trends from the BLS & OSHA reviews; we wanted to see how we, as a council, stood up to those trends. In an effort to accurately show the current issues/trends we experience in our region; We surveyed our members on their OSHA […]


Are you an architect, engineer or other person who or which prepares a drawing for a construction, or other projects which requires excavation or demolition work in Pennsylvania? Then you are considered a Designer under the PA Underground Utility Line Protection Act 287 as Amended (Pennsylvania 811 Law). This one-hour program will explain the Designer […]

Bloodborne Pathogens Terminology: Exposing the regulation one term at a time


Although the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard has been around over three decades, it continues to confuse employers. OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030 is cited 300 to 500 times each year, making it a frequently violated regulation in Part 1910. Perhaps the confusion and noncompliance may be found in the very text of the standard — legal terminology […]

Respiratory Protection During Disaster Response


Hazard and Risk Assessment, Respiratory Protection During Disaster Response and Cleanup Overview: "When disaster strikes, confusion and indecision often take place when we React instead of Proact"  We need to ask what my agency's capabilities are during the first 100 hours of a disaster. Regulatory compliance needs to be in practice before the disaster occurs […]

How can AI Improve Workplace Safety?


Overview: Talk of AI is everywhere. But what does AI mean when it comes to managing your safety data and the safety of your workforce? In this webinar you will: Learn how to define and think about AI specifically for safety 2. Review some common uses cases for AI and workplace safety including providing safety […]

Program Locator: Pennsylvania One Call, in -person

The program objectives explain the definitions and terminology used in the PA Act 287 of 1974, as amended, a description of a correct notification, an explanation of marking underground lines with the American Public Works Association (APWA) color code standards, and an illustration of how to respond through the Karl Automated Response to Locates (KARL) […]