The presentation will highlight how construction ergonomics successes in the past and today have largely gone unrecognized. Despite these previous efforts workers are still experiencing high rates of sprain and strain injuries. We will discuss opportunities to formalize and expand the use of ergonomics. Evolving construction methods and materials, and emerging ergonomics technologies and their impacts will be explored.
Ed Havey, M.S., CPE
Senior Ergonomist
Compliance Managment International
Friday, October 11, 2024 The Cynwyd Club
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM 332 Trevor Lane
Lunch followed with MACSC business Bala Cynwyd, Pa 19004
updates, then presentation
Guest Fee is $45 per person. MACSC members will be invoiced for each guest.
All are welocme! Quesions, email Sue Geyer sgeyer@macsc.org
About the presneter:
Ed has over 25 years of experience as an ergonomist and safety and health professional. He started his career as an OSHA Compliance Officer where he inspected companies in the construction, manufacturing, and agricultural industries. He has also acted as the Safety and Health Manager at a research university where he managed a team of safety professionals and industrial hygienists, and was directly responsible for the university’s ergonomics program.
Prior to joining CMI, he was an ergonomics consultant with the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries where he assisted companies in the manufacturing, construction, healthcare, agriculture, and service sectors. Ed has developed and managed ergonomics programs for both private and public organizations, including aerospace, electronics manufacturing, electrical utility, and higher education institutions.
In his current role Ed leads CMI’s ergonomics consulting practice. He supports customers in identifying practical and cost-effective solutions designed to reduce injuries, manage Workers’ Compensation costs, and create enhanced efficiencies. He routinely conducts workplace risk assessments, performs program audits, and develops and delivers training programs.
Ed holds an M.S. in Human Factors and Ergonomics, and has earned recognition as a Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) from the Board of Certification of Professional Ergonomists.
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