3M Nano-Lok Twin-Leg SRL & Cobra Rope Grab RECALL
3M Nano-Lok Twin-Leg SRL Cobra Rope Grab
National Safety Council free Injury Facts Publication
Injury Facts publication is now an online tool that is free to everyone. It features interactive charts and infographics and includes the following components: All Injuries, Motor Vehicle, Home and […]
OSHA Updates
Memo on Drug Testing Department of Labor Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Annual Adjustments for 2019 Crane Operator Requirements Update
Annual Penalty Adjustments
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OSHA’s Outreach Training Program
Revised requirements for authorized trainers in OSHA’s Outreach Training Program will go into effect on April 1, 2019. Recent revisions by OSHA include eliminating the 90-day grace period after a […]
OSHA National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation Safety Updated
OSHA issued a press release announcing that it has updated the National Emphasis Program (NEP) on preventing trenching and excavation collapses in response to a recent spike in trenching fatalities. […]
Stop Use & Recall Notice
3M™ DBI-SALA® 16 Foot Talon™ Self Retracting Lifeline “3M Fall Protection is issuing the attached Stop Use and Recall Notice regarding the 3M™ DBI-SALA® 16 Ft. Talon™ Self Retracting Life […]
Special Report: Death by Trench– The business and human costs of trench-collapse fatalities in the United States
Special Report: Death by Trench– https://www.equipmentworld.com/special-report-death-by-trench/ The business and human costs of trench-collapse fatalities in the United States
OSHA announces policy change on monorail hoists in construction
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration has announced a new enforcement policy that excludes monorail hoists from the requirements of Subpart CC – Cranes […]
New email sign-up available for recordkeeping reminders and updates on electronic submission of injury logs
OSHA has established an email notification system to provide recordkeeping reminders as well as updates on a new requirement that employers electronically submit their injury and illness logs to the agency. […]